Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The UnPerfect Utopia

                                   My new name of the island is.......

                                          The Unperfect Utopia

Disclaimer:  Utopian community planned as part of a class project for middle school gifted class

What is Perfect

There is no way to have a perfet world or community.

Motto, Seal, and Flag

The motto of my island is "Don't get kicked off the island.".

This is the seal.

This is the flag.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

The Veldt

The theme of "More is not always better". They have everything but still complain. I don't have everything but I am still happy. The quote "That sounds dreadful! Would I have to tie my own shoe instead of letting the shoe tier do it? And brush my own teeth and comb my hair and give myself a bath?". I have to do that every day and still ok with it.